Struggling With Porn?

QUITTR can help. We recommend starting with our porn dependence test.

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Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Key Takeaways
  • Porn use can harm your brain and relationships, leaving you feeling stuck.
  • It's tough to break this cycle alone, as it can lead to addiction and affect your self-confidence.
  • QUITTR offers practical tools and support to help you regain control. Begin a healthier life free from porn addiction.
Why Trust QUITTR

At QUITTR, we've helped thousands overcome porn addiction using science-based methods. With over a decade of experience, our team understands your challenges.

We're here to guide you with care and expertise. QUITTR offers practical tools and support on your journey to a healthier, porn-free life.


Is pornography bad?

Is pornography destroying your life? At Brainbuddy, we know that excessive porn viewing can have profound effects on your mental health, relationships, and well-being.

Porn viewing can have profound effects on your mental health.

The truth is, the easy pleasure from porn is a tough cycle to break. Often you feel stuck and powerless.

But there's hope. We offer simple, actionable advice to help you regain control. Recovery and empowerment is possible.

Did You Know?

Research from Addictive Behaviors Reports shows that problematic pornography use is linked to negative impacts on brain function, affecting areas such as attentional bias, inhibitory control, working memory, and decision making.

How QUITTR Can Help

Personalized Progress Tracking
Track your journey away from porn. Boost your motivation and show how far you've come.

Supportive Community
Connect with others who understand your struggle. Sharing experiences and advice can make your journey more manageable.

Science-Based Recovery
QUITTR uses proven methods to help you break free from porn. Strengthen your resolve and enhance your mental health.

Break your dependence

5 reasons pornography is bad for you

Porn Changes Your Brain

Pornography has a significant impact on your brain, much like addictive substances. It triggers a rush of dopamine, the 'feel-good' neurotransmitter. A dopamine wave creates a temporary sense of pleasure.

Over time, your brain starts craving this high. A chronic need develops for more intense and more frequent exposure to porn.

Constant stimulation can rewire your brain. Over time, you lose your ability to experience pleasure from everyday activities and healthy relationships

Your brain starts craving this high.

Porn Can Become an Addiction

Like drugs or alcohol, pornography can become addictive. It starts as a harmless activity. Yet, it can become an obsession that consumes your thoughts and time.

Porn addiction can lead to neglecting responsibilities, hobbies, and social interactions. It becomes a coping mechanism for stress or negative emotions. It creates a cycle that's hard to break without help.

Porn becomes a coping mechanism.

Porn Hurts Your Confidence

Regular consumption of pornography can skew your self-image and confidence. You experience unrealistic standards of beauty and performance. Feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt grow in your personal and sexual life.

This distorted view can make it challenging to appreciate your worth. It can also make it challenging to form genuine connections with others.

Feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt grow.

Porn Affects Your Sexual Health

Excessive porn use can have adverse effects on your sexual health. It can lead to unrealistic sexual expectations, decreased satisfaction with real-life sexual experiences, and potential difficulties in sexual performance.

Additionally, it can desensitize you to typical sexual experiences, making it harder to find fulfillment in intimate relationships.

It becomes harder to find fulfilment.

Porn Destroys Relationships

Pornography can be damaging to relationships. It can create a barrier of secrecy and mistrust between partners. Over time, it can lead to a lack of intimacy, emotional disconnect, and unrealistic expectations for sex.

Porn can escalate into a severe issue that requires counseling or therapy to resolve. Recognizing its impact is crucial. It's the first step towards rebuilding trust and intimacy in your relationships.

Porn creates a barrier of secrecy and mistrust.
Did You Know?

Findings from a study in the Journal of Marital & Family Therapy showed how pornography can disrupt normal attachment behavior, leading to difficulties in forming stable, satisfying relationships.

When does porn use become "bad"? The 3 questions to ask yourself

Do You Feel in Control of Your Porn Use?

Ask yourself if you feel in control of your porn consumption.

Do you find it difficult to resist the urge to view porn, or do you spend more time than intended watching it?

If you feel like you're losing control or if your attempts to cut back have been unsuccessful, it's a sign that your relationship with pornography could be problematic and addictive.

Do you find it difficult to resist the urge?

Is Porn Use Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Consider whether your consumption of pornography is interfering with your day-to-day life.

Are you neglecting work, social engagements, or personal hobbies? Is it because you spend too much time viewing porn?

If your routine or responsibilities are compromised, porn use is no longer harmless. It's a disruptive force in your life.

Are you neglecting work or hobbies?

Are Your Relationships Suffering Because of Porn?

Reflect on your relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners.

Has your porn use created distance or conflict with those you care about? If you experience a decline in personal interactions or a lack of emotional intimacy due to porn, your usage is harmful.

Issues in your romantic life related to porn also indicate harm.

Has your porn use created distance from loved ones?
Did You Know?

According to a 2005 study, pornography consumption can lead to unrealistic sexual expectations, relationship problems, and a decrease in sexual interest.

Healthy Porn Use Vs Porn Addiction

Distinguishing between healthy porn use and addiction lies in understanding balance and impact.

Healthy use is occasional, without interfering with your daily responsibilities, relationships, or self-esteem. It's a choice, not a compulsion, and doesn't escalate in frequency or intensity.

In contrast, porn addiction is chronic and often escalates. It consumes significant time. It affects responsibilities and relationships. You sense a loss of control.

Porn addiction is chronic and often escalates.

Recognizing these differences is crucial for anyone evaluating their relationship with pornography.

Did You Know?

A study published in Psychological Science uncovered that the onset of pornography use after marriage significantly raised the likelihood of divorce, particularly among younger individuals.

My porn use is bad. How do I quit?

Accept You Need to Change

Recognize the negative impact of pornography on your life. This includes its effects on your relationships and personal well-being.

Set Specific Goals

Define what quitting means for you. It could be complete abstinence or reduced usage. Set achievable targets.

Set achievable targets.

Limit Access and Identify Triggers

Put in place practical measures to restrict access to porn. Understand the underlying triggers, such as stress or boredom. Replace them with healthier activities.

Understand the underlying triggers.

Seek Support

Reach out for help. You can confide in a trusted friend, join a support group, or consult a professional.

Celebrate Your Progress And Go Easy On Yourself

Track your journey and celebrate small milestones. Understand that recovery is a process. It requires patience and self-compassion.

Celebrate small milestones.
Did You Know?

An investigation featured in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that pornography use can lead to perceived negative consequences in heterosexual relationships, including increased aggression and distorted beliefs about sexuality.

Did You Know?
Tods's Story: A Bad Pornography Habit

Todd, a 32-year-old accountant, realized his porn use was becoming a problem when it started affecting his focus at work and his relationships. He noticed that he was spending more time watching porn than engaging in activities he used to love, like playing basketball with friends or spending quality time with his family.

This realization hit him hard, and he knew he needed to make a change.

Determined to turn things around, Todd began his journey towards recovery by setting clear, achievable goals. He started by reducing his porn usage gradually, replacing the time he would usually spend on it with healthier activities.

The benefits of Todd's decision to quit porn were profound. Not only did his concentration at work improve, but he also felt more present and connected in his relationships.

He rediscovered his passion for basketball and reconnected with old friends. Most importantly, Todd felt a newfound sense of control over his life. He became more confident and optimistic about his future, realizing that he had the power to change his habits and lead a more fulfilling life.

Did You Know?

Studies have shown that a husband's use of pornography can lead to a breakdown in marital trust, emotional and psychological insecurity, and reduced intimacy and closeness in the relationship.

Did You Know?

Final thoughts

While pornography might seem harmless, its long-term effects can be detrimental to your mental health, relationships, and well-being.

Recognizing the negative impacts, such as altered brain function, potential for addiction, decreased confidence, impaired sexual health, and damaged relationships, is crucial.

Deciding to reduce or quit can open the door to a more fulfilling life. It can also lead to improved relationships and a healthier self-image.

Deciding to quit can open the door to a more fulfilling life.

Change is always challenging. However, it's worth undertaking for your long-term happiness and health.

Action Plan: What To Do Now

Get the QUITTR app
Take the first step and download the QUITTR app. It's your starting point for a supportive journey towards change.

Engage in Daily Challenges

Use Brainbuddy to engage in daily challenges tailored to your recovery. These tasks keep you focused and committed to your goals.

Learn Mindfulness

Learn and practice mindfulness techniques with QUITTR. Gain deeper insights into your habits and make healthier choices.