Struggling With Porn?

QUITTR can help. We recommend starting with our porn dependence test.

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Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Key Takeaways
  • Watching porn can feel like cheating, leading to guilt and relationship troubles.
  • This confusion heightens feelings of betrayal, damaging trust and intimacy.
  • QUITTR combats porn addiction. Our app offers support to rebuild trust and build healthy coping methods.
Why Trust QUITTR

QUITTR has helped thousands overcome porn addiction using science-based methods.

With over ten years of experience, we understand the challenges you face. Track your progress. Celebrate milestones. Make the journey toward a healthier lifestyle rewarding and encouraging.

Trust QUITTR to guide you to better habits and stronger relationships.


Is Watching Porn Cheating?

If you're struggling with your porn use, you might feel trapped in a cycle of guilt and uncertainty. You may wonder if your actions betray your partner's trust.

The reality is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

For some, porn is a harmless outlet; for others, it's a breach of intimacy in a relationship. The key lies in understanding the boundaries and expectations within your relationship. Open, honest communication with your partner is essential.

It's a breach of intimacy in a relationship.

Find a balance that honors both your needs and those of your partner.

Did You Know?

A recent study published in SAGE Journals show for many heterosexual men, the difference between real-life sexual experiences and those seen in online pornography can lead to less satisfaction with their sex life and overall happiness.

How QUITTR Can Help

Personalized Recovery Plans
QUITTR offers tailored recovery plans to help you understand and overcome porn addiction. Address the root cause and help rebuild trust in relationships.

Daily Check-ins and Progress Tracking
Stay accountable and track your progress. See how far you've come and stay motivated.

Supportive Community Access
Connect with a supportive community who understands your struggle. Share experiences, get encouragement, and learn from others who are overcoming similar challenges.

Break your dependence

Are You Cheating With Porn? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

Are You Choosing Porn Over Your Partner?

If you find yourself turning to porn instead of engaging with your partner, it's time to reflect.

This habit can mean you're using porn as an escape from facing issues in your relationship. You may also be using porn as a substitute for real intimacy. It's crucial to ask yourself: Are you avoiding physical or emotional connection with your partner?

Are you avoiding physical or emotional connection with your partner?

Choosing porn over real interaction can create a rift in your relationship. Your partner may feel neglected or unwanted.

Are You Keeping Your Porn Use a Secret?

Honesty is the foundation of trust in any relationship.

If you're hiding your porn usage from your partner, ask yourself why. Secrecy can lead to feelings of guilt and can make your partner feel betrayed when they find out. Open communication about your habits can help you understand each other's perspectives and boundaries.

Secrecy can lead to feelings of guilt

Remember, it's not about the act of watching porn, but also about the honesty surrounding it.

Are You Meeting Your Partner's Emotional and Sexual Needs?

It's important to consider how your porn use affects your partner's needs and feelings. Are they feeling connected and satisfied in the relationship?

If porn is impacting your sexual life with your partner, it's a significant issue. It can make them feel less desired or inadequate. Your partner's needs, both emotional and sexual, are vital for a healthy relationship.

Your partner's needs, both emotional and sexual, are vital for a healthy relationship.

Balancing your desires with your partner's needs is key to maintaining a rich and respectful bond.

Did You Know?

Research by Harvard Health indicates married couples that do not watch pornography report experiencing healthier relationships.

Signs That Your Porn Use Is Hurting Your Relationship

Less Physical Closeness

When you start preferring porn to being close to your partner, your relationship is likely suffering.

This rift can lead to a significant drop in both emotional and physical intimacy. It creates a gap between you and your loved one.

Hiding Your Habit

Keeping your porn use a secret can erode the foundation of trust in your relationship.

Being secretive can make you feel guilty, and your partner feel betrayed.

Unrealistic Views of Sex

Watching too much porn may shape unrealistic expectations about sex and intimacy.

These expectations can make your real-life experiences with your partner seem less fulfilling. You both will feel frustration and disappointment.

Ignoring Your Partner's Needs

If your focus on porn is making your partner feel overlooked or unimportant, it's a strong sign that it's impacting your relationship.

Expect a lack of communication and a weak emotional bond.

More Frequent Arguments

An increase in arguments, especially about porn use or related issues, is a sign that there are deeper problems in your relationship.

Your partner often feels inadequate or neglected, causing conflicts.

Did You Know?

According to the Wheatley Institute, 20% of couples reported conflict in their relationships due to pornography, with 1 in 4 men hiding their porn use from their partner.

How To Stop Cheating With Porn

Step 1: Be Honest with Your Partner

The first step is to open up to your partner about your porn use. While this may be tough, it's crucial for rebuilding trust. Share your feelings and struggles honestly.

Remember, being truthful can lead to understanding and support from your partner. It's a vital step in healing your relationship.

Step 2: Involve Your Partner in Your Porn Use

If you and your partner agree, you can involve them in your decisions about watching porn. This might include watching it together or discussing what types of content are okay.

You must create transparency and mutual respect in your relationship.

Step 3: Stop Watching Porn

If porn use is hurting your relationship, it might be necessary to stop watching it.

This change can be a challenging step. However, focusing on and improving your real-life intimacy is essential. Consider seeking help from a therapist or a support group. They can guide you through this process.

Stopping porn use can lead to a more fulfilling relationship with your partner. It can also lead to more trust.

Stopping porn use can lead to a more fulfilling relationship with your partner.
Did You Know?

Research highlighted by Psychology Today indicates that couples who are open and accepting of pornography may experience greater sexual openness and the ability to express and explore sexual fantasies together

Why Do I Find It Difficult To Stop Viewing Pornography?

Changing Habits Is Tough

It's important to acknowledge that stopping porn use can be tough. If you're finding it hard to quit, you're not alone. Many people struggle with changing habits, especially those related to sexual behavior. Remember, it's okay to find this step challenging.

The first step in overcoming a challenge is recognizing and accepting it.

Consider You May Have a Porn Addiction

If you've tried to stop and can't, it might be a sign of a deeper issue like porn addiction.

Addiction means you feel an intense, often uncontrollable urge to watch porn. You keep watching porn compulsively, even if it's causing problems in your life or relationship. If this sounds like you, know that there's help available.

Addiction means you feel an intense, uncontrollable urge to watch porn.

Seeking support from a therapist or joining a support group can be a great start. These resources can offer you the tools and support to overcome this challenge.

Did You Know?

A study at James Cook University indicate that differences in porn acceptance between men and women can lead to a divide that potentially destroys relationships.

How To Recover From Porn Addiction and Become a Better Partner

Communicate with Your Partner

Open communication with your partner is vital for recovery.

Share your struggles, successes, and insights from your journey. Include your experience with resources like QUITTR. This honesty helps rebuild trust and understanding.

Remember, your partner can be a supportive ally in your recovery. However, they must be kept in the loop to provide adequate support.

Your partner can be a supportive ally in your recovery.

Develop Healthy Habits

Replace your porn use with positive habits and activities. For example, consider exercise, hobbies, or spending quality time with your partner.
QUITTR can help by offering activities and challenges. They keep you engaged and focused on your recovery.

Replace your porn use with positive habits and activities.

These new habits not only distract from the urge to watch porn but also help strengthen both your personal well-being and your relationship.

Don't Be Afraid To Get Help

Recovering from porn addiction often requires professional help. A therapist or counselor specializing in addiction can offer invaluable support and strategies.

A therapist can offer invaluable support.

Besides therapy, you can use resources like QUITTR. It's a dedicated app for porn addiction. It provides extra guidance. QUITTR offers tools and support to help you track your progress and manage your addiction. QUITTR can complement your professional treatment.

Did You Know?

A Utah State University study found that while the consumption of pornography can be challenging to overcome, with a desire to change, healing is possible both for individuals and their relationships

Jason’s Story: Cheating With Pornography

Jason, a 35-year-old from Chicago, found himself in a tough spot two years ago. He struggled with watching porn, which led to feelings of guilt and the realization that he was cheating on his partner emotionally. Jason's journey into this habit started out of curiosity and a search for excitement, but it quickly became a coping mechanism for stress and loneliness.

Determined to change, Jason reached out for help. He started by being completely honest with his partner about his challenges. It wasn't easy, but it was a crucial first step in healing their relationship. He then sought the guidance of a therapist. He also used helpful resources. For example, he used QUITTR. The app helps people overcome porn addiction. He needed professional advice, personal dedication, and supportive technology. This combination of recovery methods was what he needed.

The benefits of Jason's efforts were profound. He broke free from the hold that porn had on his life. He also rekindled the love and trust in his relationship. He learned healthier ways to deal with stress. He found joy in engaging more with his partner and the world around him. Jason's story is a powerful example of how to face a problem head-on. It shows that honesty and the right tools can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.

Did You Know?

According to the Ethics & Public Policy Center, men tend to have more permissive attitudes toward porn than women and often overestimate women's porn use.

Did You Know?

Final Thoughts

Whether watching porn is cheating depends on personal values. It also depends on the boundaries set within your relationship.

It's essential to communicate openly with your partner about this topic. Remember, If porn use is replacing intimacy with your partner, it might be time to reevaluate your habits. Facing these challenges honestly and seeking help if needed can lead to healthier relationships and personal well-being.

If porn use is replacing intimacy, it might be time to reevaluate your habits.

You're not alone in this journey. Acknowledging the issue is a brave first step towards positive change.

Action Plan: What To Do Now

Track Your Progress
First, download QUITTR. Our app helps you monitor your daily habits, showing how you improve over time.

Personalized Support

QUITTR offers personalized exercises and activities. These tools help you understand your triggers and overcome them.

Community and Encouragement

Join a community of people who understand your struggle. Get support and encouragement from others on the same journey as you.