Struggling With Porn?

QUITTR can help. We recommend starting with our porn dependence test.

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The NoFap community is a resource that began on Reddit where users began sharing their experiences of giving up masturbating and how it positively impacted their lives. Since then it has developed into a wide community of people who share the goal of quitting masturbating/porn. However for many of the users of NoFap stopping masturbating for prolonged periods of time is also a large part of the community.

NoFap often have challenges to undergo sustained periods of time without masturbating and many users claim a range of emotional and health-related benefits. As the name of the site suggests, not masturbating for periods of time is a large part of the community and not all of it is geared specifically towards porn addiction recovery.

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As you go through your reboot you might decide to abstain from masturbating for a period of time to allow you reward-system to take a break and begin to reset to your innate sexuality. However, it’s more important that you quit porn – including all porn-related fantasies. For many men, doing this will alter the desire to masturbate compulsively, and in time their need to masturbate will reduce to a normal healthy level.

The choice is yours whether you decide to stop masturbating during your reboot or not. Focus on quitting porn and what will be the most helpful to you, and remember all your coping tools like Brainbuddy and removing and replacing porn-related activity with healthier activities.

Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
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