Struggling With Porn?

QUITTR can help. We recommend starting with our porn dependence test.

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You can block adult content on your iPad or iPhone using the Restrictions function:

On your iPhone or iPad : Brainbuddy includes a sophisticated, easy to use internet filter that provides a high level of protection against all forms of pornography.

You can also block adult content on your Ipad or Iphone using the restrictions function. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions. Then choose ‘Enable Restrictions’ and set a new passcode. This helps with general filters for explicit content.

Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.

Remember – it’s up to you to pause and consider what you’re doing if you find yourself trying to remove the blocking functions you put in place on any of your devices. Because ultimately you are in charge of your devices and passcodes, you will have the ability to get rid of blocks if you’re determined to do so.

However, having blocks in place helps to send yourself a clear signal you don’t want to look at porn anymore, as well as helping to stop you accidentally accessing it. If you do find yourself tempted, try to use the time it takes to start changing your blocking settings to use your Remove and Replace habits. Try to take some time out, go for a walk, use mindfulness or any other activity to delay temptation to remove blocks.

You might find that after 15 minutes you no longer feel as tempted. Then you can add another ‘win’ to your reboot!

Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
Quit porn. Download QUITTR app.
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