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In our modern age, we have access to more information and media than ever before.

While there are some obvious benefits to this, such as the increased availability of information, this also comes with some downsides, such as the ubiquitous access to pornography. Pornography can easily be accessed by anyone with a computer, smart phone, tablet, or Internet connection.

Learning how to prevent yourself and your family from accessing these websites is important. Fortunately, there are a number of different porn blocking software that you can use. In this article, we’re going to talk about what porn blocking software is and how you can use it to keep yourself and your family safe

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What is porn blocking software?

Porn blocking software is a term used to describe any form of software that is designed to help people prevent pornography from being accessed on their devices. There are also several other types of apps that are designed to block nonspecific websites. While these might not be specifically designed to block porn on your computer etc, they can certainly be adjusted for the same purpose.

Porn blocking software can operate in a number of different ways. Some types of blocking software are built directly into computers. This comes in the form of parental controls. Parental controls don’t have to be downloaded, because most computers come preloaded with them.

These controls can be useful for helping block pornography from your children. However, if you’re interested in blocking your own access to pornography, parental controls won’t help much.

That’s because all you have to do to set up parental controls is create a password and select which websites you want to block. This makes it easy to keep your kids safe, but if you struggle with cravings yourself then all you’re going to have to do is enter the password.

Other porn blocking software is developed specifically for helping people block porn effectively. These apps can be useful and not only for helping to keep your kids safe but for preventing you from giving into pornography cravings.

Each one of these apps is different, although they all operate in a similar way. You will be prompted to enter a list of websites that you want to block. Then, the app will block the website for you.

Some apps have more serious settings than others. For example, some only require that you enter a password. Some will require that you go through some hoops before you’re actually able to disable the blocking. This is useful for people who struggle with cravings.

For the most part, these apps aren’t too hard to disable. However, they can be useful for giving you some extra time to think about your actions whenever you feel a craving coming.

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Benefits of software for porn blocking

Using a porn blocker can be very useful for helping improve family life. Here are a few reasons as to why.

Safety for children

Porn blocking software can help keep your children safe. The Internet is easily accessible to anyone, even children. It’s not difficult for children to accidentally navigate to websites filled with adult material.

Some porn blocking applications will have settings that disable all material deemed to be adult content. This prevents you from actually having to list the specific websites that you want your children to avoid. There are far too many adult websites on the Internet for you to manually list them all. It’s usually easier to simply go with an app that blocks sites considered mature.

They can prevent pornography addiction

Many people struggle with addiction to pornography and masturbation. These addictions are often difficult to cope with because it’s very easy to access pornographic material.

Porn blocking software is great because it helps to give people an extra chance to reconsider their cravings. Often, when you feel a craving strike, it can overwhelm the body. Before you know it, you’re looking at pornographic material again.

Different porn blocking software can help you with this in different ways. Some software is simply built to disable websites, requiring that you enter a password or change the settings before being able to access the website. It’s not hard to do this, however, while you're mucking around with the settings, you might remember why you downloaded the blocking app in the first place. This can help keep you dedicated on your path away from masturbation.

Some other porn blocking apps are much more intensive and require that you actually uninstall them before regaining access to websites. These are a great help because you need to be fairly committed to actually uninstalling them prior to watching porn.

Preventing accidental trauma.

There is a lot of disturbing and violent material on the Internet. It’s not hard to accidentally stumble upon some of this material when browsing the web and clicking on seemingly innocent links.

Fortunately, porn blockers are also relatively good at determining which sites contain disturbing, violent, or pornographic material. By using one of these porn blockers, you will prevent yourself and your kids from becoming accidentally traumatized by viewing disturbing material.

Managing your Internet usage.

Many porn blocking software will also come with the ability to limit the amount of time that you spend on certain websites. This can be very useful for people who spend far too much time scrolling through social media.

Social media addiction is a real thing that can contribute to mental health disorders. However, the ease of access for sites like Facebook makes it very hard for people to stop using them. Website blocking software can allow you to designate a number of hours each day that you can use these websites. You can also disable them entirely.


Many of these porn blocking apps come with a lot of customizable options. This means that you can develop a plan that works best for you and your family.

Say, for example, you are only interested in blocking websites for your children. You may want to access adult websites yourself. You can customize these apps so that they only block websites while your children are logged in, or change them so that only specific websites are blocked.

You may also find this blocking porn on your smartphone guide helpful.

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Keeping your family safe with porn blocking software

As a family person, it’s vitally important to keep your children safe. While the Internet might not be physically dangerous, it’s tremendously easy for children to witness unwanted or traumatizing media simply by browsing the Internet.

It’s also important to keep your children safe from excessive social media use. Social media has become so prominent in our society that many people have normalized it. It’s not uncommon to see people spending five or more hours every day actively logged into social media.

Throughout this time, people are actively sacrificing opportunities to connect with others, be creative, pursue their hobbies, work, or achieve their life goals. Social media provides the false illusion of fulfillment, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t provide you with much. Limiting social media use to an hour or less a day, and only using it to contact people that you plan to see in person, is a great way to avoid these negative possibilities.

It’s also important to be open and communicative with your children. If you simply block pornography without explaining to them why you think this is a problem, they are likely to develop resentments and actively seek other ways to find pornography.

If you’re worried that your teenagers are developing a pornography addiction, then you should talk to them about it. There’s always some sort of underlying condition that precedes an addiction. If you are genuinely concerned about the health and well-being of your children, rather than simply controlling them, it’s in your best interest to open up a dialogue with them and communicate.

You might be surprised to learn that they are well aware of their pornography use and are only masturbating a healthy amount. Or perhaps their masturbation is a sign of an underlying emotional issue or loneliness that you can help them with.

Whatever the case, it’s vitally important that you communicate with your children about what you’re doing. Bad communication tends to destroy the foundation of solid relationships, and restricting or limiting your children’s behavior without discussing it with them could create some turbulence in your relationship.

While you have every right to stand up for what you think is right, your children have every right to communicate with you about their views on the subject.

If you do choose to open up a mature dialogue with your teenagers, make sure that you do so in a non-judgemental, compassionate space. Don’t accuse them, and don’t give the impression that you think you’re better than them or that you know what’s best for them. Come from a place of genuine concern and your children may be more likely to listen to your side of the argument.


Pornography is rampant on the Internet and is one of the most profitable businesses worldwide. Porn can easily be accessed by just about anyone with an Internet connection.

Fortunately, there are many different apps that allow you to block access to these vices. For the interest in your family’s safety, check out some porn blocking software.

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